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Construction has commenced, and first move in dates are anticipated for January, 2017. (Floor’s 1-4)
Dexel Creations is the developer of St Joseph’s Square.
Dexel is one of Halifax’s premier mixed-use property developers.
SJS will be composed of 106 Suites – 9 floors.
The Ground Level will have 10 Townhouses.
Concrete construction is used for ultimate soundproofing between floors. Wall construction between suites; STC of 60+ with sound insulation and 4 layers of 5/8” drywall.
Each suite is heated by hot water in boiler room converted to hot air that is forced into each units individual vent system.
Smart suite thermostat systems in each home.
There will be a central location with a convenient private mailbox area plus an out-going mail / parcel pick-up box.
A security deposit is a payment by the tenant to the landlord to be held in a trust account until the end of the tenancy.
The security deposit cannot be any more than one half of one month’s rent.
Within 10 days after the end of the tenancy which is ten days from the end of the notice period given to the tenant or the landlord. The time does not necessarily start from the time you move out. Tenants should give the landlord an address where the security deposit is to be sent.
A fixed-term lease is a leasing agreement with a specified beginning and ending date. Example: September 1, 2002 to August 31, 2003. It ends on the date in the lease and neither the landlord nor the tenant is required to give written notice to end the tenancy on that date.
Management is permitted to enter the premises if:
Yes, the notice to quit is to be in writing.
Yes. Rent must be paid until the end of the tenancy.
No, the tenant is always responsible to pay the rent to the landlord.
The tenant should check the rules for the premises to ensure that pets are allowed. If the tenant receives consent from the landlord, it is a good idea to get it in writing.
Yes, the tenant(s) who subleted or assigned the lease is still responsible for the lease.
The tenant has to sublet or assign the leasing agreement.
Sublet – When a tenant, with the consent of the landlord, gives all their obligations and rights of the lease to another person, for a period of time, during the course of the tenancy agreement. The original tenant intends on coming back to the unit before the end of the tenancy agreement.
Assign – When a tenant, with the consent of the landlord, gives all the obligations and rights in a lease to another person. The original tenant will not be returning to the unit.
Yes, the landlord must approve every occupant of the premises and their name must be included on the lease. Can a landlord make rules for the premise? Yes. The rules must be reasonable. The landlord should give a copy of the rules to the tenant prior to the signing of the lease.
Yes. A copy of the Act must be given to the tenant by the landlord within ten calendar days of acceptance.
Yes. The lease must be signed by both the landlord and the tenant. The landlord must give the tenant a signed copy within ten calendar days of signing.
Yes. The standard form of lease, applies to all written and oral tenancies. A lease is a written or oral tenancy agreement between a landlord and a tenant.